Accommodation (Kashmir)
Kashmir is for everyone. For this reason, you have plenty of stay options. Accommodation in Kashmir ranges from cheap to luxury. Given your budget and requirements, you may choose your stay. You may also decide if you wish to book a stay in the busy areas or more recluse places. But, make sure the place you choose has geyser in the washroom and any kind of room heating arrangement. These two are a must while travelling to Kashmir specially outside of summers. Hotels around the market areas are a little pricier than those on the outskirts. We suggest the following areas to chose for your stay:
Any hotel near Dal lake, hotels in boulevard road, Rajbagh area are the most popular and common areas for tourist accommodation. The availability of restaurants is good here. Although, Srinagar is the capital city, you will not find too much noise anywhere except the market area. If you are staying in some 4 star or 5 star hotels, they might be in more peaceful areas away from the hullaballoo of the town traffic. We did not stay in Gulmarg, but, some prefer to stay over to experience snowfall or spend more time exploring Gulmarg. Gulmarg has the priciest of all accommodation in Kashmir. It is advised to stay near the Gondola or near to the main market as per your activities planned.
Although there are a few stay options available in Sonamarg, we recommend a day trip unless you are there to trek or explore in detail. If you want to go exploring the lakes or go on a trek you may chose to book an accommodation in the market area as the town is very less populated and can get very eery during nights.
Pahalgam has the most variety of accommodation in Kashmir. There are plenty of stay options in Pahalgam suiting all the budget requirements. The market area is the best place to stay if you want shops accessible. You may choose from some beautiful stays beside the river lidder or on the hills. If you chose to stay uphill or in the hotels on the river banks, you will not find many restaurants nearby. You will have to order from your hotel or walk upto the market. You may also choose from many options of camping stays. We recommend staying near the market areas. Additionally, choose a good hotel with heating options as it might get chilly during nights. For more such suggestions visit our suggestions post.